Voici sa réponse:
1. 750,--
2. 720,--
3. 570,--
4. 520,--
Les 2 derniers sont les 2 DRO 2axes que j'avais demandé...
Et voici sont mail:
"Hi again,
If you are fascinated by mechanics…………………. than I don’t understand that you want to buy trash.
Well, if the money is he first criterion for you, than
1. dont buy glas scales
2. never buy in China or Singapore
3. never buy Meister
4. you will never buy from me or from an authorized Sino dealer. Everything which I offer, all my service and all my knowledge, the warranty and the additional function of the goods must have a piece of the price and so I will be more expensive than all Chinese and Singapore dealer.
When we talk about good and accurate measurement tools, than this must have a high price. What do you think is the reason, that for example the price of a solution for the first 3-axis machine you ask for, of well known companies like Heidenhain, AcuRite, Anilam, RSF, Newall, Sony and some else is between 2.000,-- and 3.000,-- Euro? Do you think that the price is so high because the owners of the companies become billionaire in few month? It is not possible to get goods like this with all services for 300 Euro. I tell you something. Europe is one country and if it is France or Germany, there is no different. I and all other dealers in complete Europe, we pay
- our prices included the duty for the goods
- our prices included the VAT
- our prices included all our cost for our stock
- our prices included the shipping of the goods to Europe
- our prices included the warranty which we have to give, based on European law
- our prices included the cost for all testing reports about the goods, for example TÜV Rheinland, we had checked all our goods
- our prices included a special fee which we have to pay for the electronically waste
- our prices included a special fee which we have to pay for the paper waste of the shipping boxes
- our prices included our travel cost to the producer. We do this because we control the production of our goods to match the quality which we want
- our prices included the cost to buy all the goods of other producer to show and to evidence that most of them are trash
- and we have to pay the salary for our employees
- and we have to pay for our employees health insurance
- and we have to pay for our employees nursing insurance
- and we have to pay for our employees accident insurance
- and we have to pay for our employees pension insurance
- and we have to pay for our employees unemployment insurance
- and we have to pay corporate tax
- and we have to pay capital gains tax
- and we have to pay income tax
- and we have to pay tax for the church
- and we have to pay trade tax
- and we have to pay in Germany an additional tax for the new countries here in Germany (old East Germany)
And all the money we pay, everywhere in Europe, is the guarantee for our social system. In Germany and in France and everywhere. And now my question to you: How much money pay a Chinese or Singapore dealer in our financial and social system???? If you say now that we don’t have to import this goods than this argument is not correct. We sell more goods to Asia than Asia to Europe. But the system is only working, when the goods take an official way through the dealer network and so I am always angry, but most I am disappointed about some rogue guys which means that they are so clever and smart when they buy cheap direct in China/Singapore. This is not clever and not smart – it is just stupid. In German we say that this people are cutting the limb of the tree on which they are sitting. The English people say: To bite the hand that’s feed you
I know the Chinese culture very well (also my companion in life is Chinese) and so I know what the dealers in China are thinking about the big noses (this is the nickname for western people). And the only thing what they want is your money and they will promise everything to you to get it.
Also some goods are not payable for the normal people. Would you pay 3.000,-- Euro for the equipment? No, you will not buy it.
I think the best solution for you are the cheap digital caliper for some Euro. These goods have a accuracy within 0,07mm / 1000mm and you will save much money even you have to buy always new because they are not really stable.
If you want to have acceptable goods, than you have to buy a system of one of the high price producer or SINO. But you can buy Sino only legal from one of the round about 50 official authorized Sino dealer in Europe (all dealers buy from me) or direct from me.
1. 750,--
2. 720,--
3. 570,--
4. 520,--
This prices included everything and is a special offer for you. The shipping cost is depend from the location. For example to ship to Corse is much more expensive than to ship to Paris. When we can ship all goods for example to one address in France (not an island) than the complete cost for shipping is 50,-- Euro.
The price included all points which I wrote in the top and also
- 4 racks for the readouts
- 10 fullcovers for the scale protection (not only a cheap thin aluminium angle)
- 10 test reports (each scale get a test report) about the accuracy of the scales
- enough mounting brackets for the scales (plates and angles)
Best regards
Peter Wendlandt
Bef mon choix est fait, j'ai deja demander un prix chez xiao1207