Mail+réponse ( imparfaite )
"Dear Alfred, hello
I hope you are well
About grinder PPU3 :
- in my order, it was specified collets 5C, as HBM (see photo). Why in 355 please ??. because I have big problems with customers who are asking how to sharpen milling cutters with diameter greater than 20 mm ??. Thank you to ask your manufacturer-supplier a video showing how to sharpen these milling cutters with diameter greater than 20 mm with these collets 355, because they are very long. I'm very worried.
Thank you very much for your answer Alfred
dear serge
Hi,my friend.
This collects really for grinder,do you means they're to big or not for the grinder,because the grinder works do not supply the collects,we buy them from another works,they always supply this kind items for grinder,please tell me which kind collects are right for grinders.
I am sorry for much trouble.
Alfred "
donc, re mail pour préciser de nouveau
NB : à refaire, il faut arriver à faire en sorte d'exiger une photo de chaque réf. produit juste avant l'embarquement. L'idéal est bien entendu de payer 80% ( ex. ) à la cmde et 20% juste av l'embarquement mais en tant que petit acheteur ...
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