à la suite de mes déboires avec mgdiffucion, j'avais donc contacté HBM, voici un extrait de quelques réponses dans l'ordre chronologique, c'est eux, qui par la suite ont contacté directement MGD et le problème a été réglé rapidement, j'ai été remboursé par virement bancaire.
Dear Mr,
Thank you very much for your email.
It is a pity to hear that you are very disappointed in our dealer in France and HBM. I have sent your complaint to our Managing board and asked them to respond.
Because you haven’t ordered directly from HBM (as far as I can see, I don’t have any order number), I can not give you a satisfactory answer. I have to sent your complaint to France. And in our case, also to our Managing board.
I realise that I haven’ helped you right now, but hopefully my Manager will do.
Kind regards,
I,am sorry to hear that.
I will make a complain at my managing board about the way M.G.D.F is dealing with his customers.
Best regards,
dear sir, when you have pay to MGDF you must ask him for give your money back.
HBM france is not HBM Machines in Netherland.
Vertrouwende u hiermee van dienst te zijn geweest.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Dear Mister,
At first many thanks for your e-mail.
I have contacted with the company that sells our products in France.
He tols me that he will refund you the money on time.
I have no exact idea why you came to such conflist but this is out of our hands as his is not a port of our company or a dealer of us.
He is just a compnay selling our items in your country on its own way.
Sorry for all the trouble caused.
I hope I have informed you well.
Best regards,
At first many thanks for your fast reply.
Yes, I fully understand your situation.
The proble is that I cannot force him to do anything as he is not our company or dealer.
As told before, he is just a company that sells our items.
Unfortunately we do hear such complaints more then one but it is very hard to judge and control such issues in / from another country.
I am so sorry to hear that your lost the trust in our brand but please believe me that we are a serious company and take complaints very seriously!
Maybe we can compensate you buy supplying you the order directly with free shipping?
I off course also understand if you don’t want to buy anything from us anymore but it is the only gesture that I can offer you from our side.
Best regards,
Au moins c'est clair et précis, l'affaire a été réglée sous 1 mois.
Ce n'est pas leur représentant, mais ils semblent bien au courant des problèmes permaments.