here are some pics. of the variator pully in my Cincinnati PF25, I hope this will help.
Since there was no spring in the machine at the first place, I would have to find a similar spring. I found only a long spring 50mm inner dia. but wire 2.5 mm dia.
as you can see I shorted the spring and adjust it. now it keeps the pully assemly floating, as the original spring.
voici quelques photos. du variateur pully dans mon Cincinnati PF25, j'espère que cela aidera.
Puisqu'il n'y avait pas de ressort dans la machine au départ, je devrais trouver un ressort similaire. Je n'ai trouvé qu'un long ressort de diamètre intérieur de 50 mm. mais fil de 2,5 mm de diamètre.
comme vous pouvez le voir, j'ai court-circuité le ressort et l'ajuster. maintenant, il maintient l'assemly pully flottant, comme le ressort d'origine.
this is the bottom bearing.
this is the top pully, secured to the core shaft with point head set screws (3).
you should loosen the screws and tap gently to dismantle the pully from the shaft.
positioning pin.
I had a play and noises from the moving disc, so I turned on my lathe a brass bushing which is pefectly fits.
when you grease the shaft main bearings, don't forget to oil the bushing to maintain it proper functioning for a long service life.
good luck.