Peut-on paramétrer Mach3 pour que l'appui sur Aller à 0, pilote en premier l'axe Z ?
Si si ,ça fait partie du paramétrage de Mach3 ,et heureusement !
C'est même la premiere chose dont on s’inquiète lorsqu'on a appuyé sur retour a l'origine et que la fraise part en
biais ...oh surprise....
Je n'ai pas Mach3 sous les yeux ,il faudrait aller dans paramètres généraux ,il doit y avoir un "retract Z first" quelque part ,voir aussi le menu "Safe Z"
Autre option:
Here is a OEM Mach3 Screen set with a "Retract" button, and "Resume" button down at the bottom left.
When your running your code, hit the Retract button, it will pause and retract the Z, the Spindle will be running.
When your ready to Resume, hit the Resume button, When you push the button a "Preperatory move screen" will pop up, (that is part of Mach after a pause and an axis has moved from position), if you will look on that screen there is a tick box that says, Start Spindle, tick that box. Hit OK, the spindle will start and your Z will go back to your position you left from, to continue you will have to manually press the Cycle Start Button.
Try it out on some clay or Wax first to make sure it is what your want, Modify the code to what you need.
You will need to put the "1024_Retract.set" into mach3 main directory, load mach, then load the screen. "